Audio Teachings

Who Destroys? God or Sin?
Who Destroys? God or Sin?

Does God Engage in Destructive Behavior?
Does God Engage in DESTRUCTIVE Behavior? (Pt 1)
Does God Engage in DESTRUCTIVE Behavior? (Pt 2)
Does God Engage in DESTRUCTIVE Behavior? (Pt 3)
Does God Engage in DESTRUCTIVE Behavior? (Pt 4)
Does God Engage in DESTRUCTIVE Behavior? (Pt 5)
Does God Engage in DESTRUCTIVE Behavior? (Pt 6)
Does God Engage in DESTRUCTIVE Behavior? (Pt 7)
Does God Engage in DESTRUCTIVE Behavior? (Pt 8)
Does God Engage in DESTRUCTIVE Behavior? (Pt 9)

God's War with Evil Throughout the Ages
Is God the Author of Evil? (Part 1)
Is God the Author of Evil? (Part 2)
Is God the Author of Evil? (Part 3)
Is God the Author of Evil? (Part 4)

God's Benevolent Will Towards Men: A Christmas Message (2015)
God's Benevolent Will Towards Men: A Christmas Message (2015)

God's Reputation
God's Reputation

The True Meaning of Romans 8:28
The True Meaning of Romans 8:28

God is Your Helper in Trouble
God is Your Helper in Trouble (Pt 1)
God is Your Helper in Trouble (Pt 2)
God is Your Helper in Trouble (Pt 3)
God is Your Helper in Trouble (Pt 4)

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Random thoughts and devotions from our book, "Vindicating God: A Unique Devotional".

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Pastor Troy's intinerary to include seminars, crusades and other planned events.


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